IT Professionals Forum
The Information Technology Professionals (IT Pros) Forum is an independent University of Utah group governed by an elected Board of Directors. IT Pros members meet monthly to discuss IT concerns shared among university colleges, departments, and offices.
Forum membership
Anyone who works with IT at the University of Utah is welcome to be part of the community.
Building a community of IT professionals.
Provide an environment that fosters communication and cooperation among the members of the university's IT community and opportunities to learn and improve IT skills.
IT Professionals Board of Directors, 2024-2025
The IT Professionals Board has historically had six elected members. Elections are held each April. Board terms are one and two years. Board members have certain responsibilities.
President: Jeff Jonsson — Marriott Library (board and presidential terms end 2025)
- Nick Forbes — Seismograph Stations (term ends 2026)
- Randon Reed — Utah Telehealth and Education Network (term ends 2026)
- James Reynolds — School of Biological Sciences (term ends 2025)
- Jon Rusho — Seismograph Stations (term ends 2025)
UIT liaison to the Board: Cassandra Van Buren, Office of the CIO (ex officio).
Meeting calendar
The IT Professionals group meets on the first Wednesday of each month, except July and January, at 12:00 pm. The meeting is held in person and online unless advised otherwise.
IT staff resources
UIT Point of Contact (POC) manager (U of U IP space or VPN required)
- UIT IT Staff Getting Started Guide
IT training resources at the U
Next meeting: Wednesday, April 2, 2025, noon - 2:00 p.m., location provided in meeting invitation. IT Pros email list subscribers will receive meeting info via UMail.
Communication channels
IT Pros Teams channel
(authentication required)
IT Pros email list
Send an email from your UMail account to with the subject line SUBSCRIBE IT-PROFESSIONALS